MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2023 | 7:30 PM ET
Repertorio Español | 138 East 27th Street
A recording was available for on-demand viewing from
This event is part of HISPANIC GOLDEN AGE CLASSICS | DON QUIXOTE a multi-part initiative of Red Bull Theater and Diversifying the Classics | UCLA. GET DETAILS HERE
Directed by José Zayas
Translated by Marta Albalá Pelegrín, Barbara Fuchs, Rafael Jaime, Saraí Jaramillo, Rachel Kaufman, Robin Kello, Dandi Meng, Laura Muñoz, Javier Patiño Loira, Amanda Riggle, Rhonda Sharrah, Aina Soley Mateu, Samantha Solis, and Jesslyn Whittell
Featuring Keith Hamilton Cobb, Darryl Gene Daughtry, Carson Elrod, Zachary Fine, Carol Halstead, Irene Sofia Lucio, Melissa Mahoney, Ismenia Mendes, Jacob Ming-Trent, Luis Moreno, and Arturo Luis Soria.
This reading is produced in partnership with UCLA’s Diversifying the Classics Initiative and Repertorio Español
Red Bull Theater continues its exploration of Hispanic Golden Age Classics with this world-premiere English translation of a play about Western literature’s most beloved windmill-tilting knight and his loyal sidekick. Don Quixote ‘rides’ back into the spotlight in this hilarious Spanish comedia about spurned lovers, changeling children, and, of course, the fanciful knight who wants to save them all.

This event is supported by the
Cultural Office of the Embassy of Spain and the Consulate General of Spain New York
This event premiered LIVE on Monday, October 2, 2023 at 7:30 PM ET. A recording was available from Tuesday, October 3 at 7:30 PM ET thru Sunday, October 8 at 11:59 PM ET. Open captions were available from Wednesday, October 4 at 7:30 PM ET thru Sunday, October 8 at 11:59 PM ET

Duke | Keith Hamilton Cobb
Marques | Arturo Luis Soria
Cardenio | Darryl Gene Daughtry
Lisardo | Luis Moreno
Lucinda | Irene Sofia Lucio
Teodoro | Zachary Fine
Dortea | Ismenia Mendes
Fulgencio | Carol Halstead
Don Quixote | Jacob Ming-Trent
Sancho Panza | Carson Elrod
Priest | Zachary Fine
Matron | Carol Halstead
Maid | Melissa Mahoney
Peasant | Luis Moreno
Servants | Carol Halstead & Melissa Mahoney
Director | José Zayas
Scholar | Laura Muñoz
Stage Manager | Jenn McNeil
Video Coordinator | Jessica Fornear
Producing Director | Nathan Winkelstein
General Manager | Sherri Kotimsky
Guillén de Castro’s play Don Quixote de la Mancha brings together the iconic characters from Miguel de Cervantes’ masterpiece in an adaptation based on the captivating Cardenio tale that inspired Shakespeare’s lost play. In a unique twist from the novel, this story focuses on Cardenio and Dorotea and their respective love interests, reimagining this story for the stage with a plot about infants switched at birth, the demands and limitations of nobility, and the obstacles these characters must overcome to find justice and happiness. As the play begins, we are thrust into the midst of high drama as the clandestine love affair of Lucinda, a noblewoman, and Cardenio, a peasant, faces its biggest test when Lucinda confronts Cardenio about his hesitance to propose marriage after six years of courtship. Cardenio, who had never revealed his lower status to Lucinda, increasingly despairs at the impossibility of a happy ending as their love affair quickly becomes tangled with that of the peasant Dorotea and the cowardly Marqués Fernando. A supreme disappointment to his father, the Marqués moves through the world taking what he wants and discarding what he doesn’t, and after seducing Dorotea sets his sights on Lucinda. The titular Don Quixote and his trusty squire Sancho Panza find themselves tangled in these stories of love and desire, providing comic relief as they make their way through the plot, forever lost in chivalrous fantasies.
Guillén de Castro y Belvis (1569–1631) was a Valencian playwright whose theatrical oeuvre developed right alongside the comedia itself. Like many of his contemporaries he was a military man as well as a poet, including a brief governorship of a district of Naples. After retiring from military duties, Castro decided to try his luck as a playwright in the capital city of Madrid, a gamble that eventually paid off with a well-respected career. In preparation for this move, Castro published a collection of his plays with the last of his money, pinning all his hopes on selling these volumes to get him out of debt, one of which was his adaptation of Don Quijote de la Mancha.
Although only twenty-six of his plays were published in his lifetime, most scholars agree that the total number of works produced by Castro is closer to thirty-five. Much of Castro’s theater portrays the dramatic lives of high-born nobility, often using legendary figures from Iberian history and ballads and adapting them to the stage as in his best-known play, Las mocedades del Cid (the basis for Pierre Corneille’s Le Cid). The major themes explored across Castro’s works include: the formation of identity, including gender; power and authority, especially between rulers and their subjects; and the troubled domestic relationships of husbands and wives. His works clearly show a playwright fully engaged with his contemporaries across literary genres, and his skill in translating popular stories, like the ballad of Le Cid or Don Quijote’s exploits, as well as his unflinching presentation of urban life make him one of the most interesting playwrights of Spanish comedia.
Laura Muñoz | Colorado Mesa University
Tilting at Windmills:
Cervantes, Shakespeare, and the Cultural Significance of Don Quixote
An interactive discussion hosted by Nathan Winkelstein with scholars Barbara Fuchs, Robin Kello, and Laura Munoz, Red Bull Theater Founder & Artistic Director Jesse Berger, Repertorio Español Artistic Director Rafael Sánchez, and members of UCLA's Diversifying the Classics.